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Home News Update : collection of bulky items and governmental assistance for those affected by water infiltration

Update : collection of bulky items and governmental assistance for those affected by water infiltration

Environment August 30, 2024

Update from September 6:

The fourth and final round of the collection of bulky items and objects damaged by water infiltration is now completed. See the previous update for information regarding the normal collection.

Update from September 4:

The fourth and final round of the collection of bulky items and objects damaged by water infiltration and sewer backup is completed in the north sector of the City, as well as the streets in the south sector of the City, east of Madsen. The collection on streets west of Madsen in the south sector is ongoing at the time of writing, and will continue tomorrow if not completed today. 

After this collection, we will return to the normal collection schedule and rules.

  • September 11 for the north sector
  • September 25 for the south sector

Normal bulky items collection schedule and rules

You can contact  Public Works by email to arrange a special pick up ($).

Update from August 30:

The bulky items collection is currently underway in the north sector of the City and will continue in the south sector. Trucks will be operating this Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31 to ensure the continuity of this collection. A final round covering all sectors is scheduled for next week, starting Tuesday, September 3.

Update from August 28:

The bulky items collection is continuing this week until Friday. As of yesterday, all streets have been collected at least twice since the heavy rain on August 9. A final pass is planned for all streets as of Tuesday, September 3.

Update from August 26:

The first pass of the collections following the heavy rain on August 9 was completed this past Saturday, and the second pass began that same day and will continue this week. While the collection calendar shows this week's bulky items pickup as being for the south side, the collection will be taking place across the entire city.

Please note that household hazardous waste, electronics, appliances containing halocarbons (such as refrigerators, freezers, humidifiers, etc.) and tires are not accepted. Whenever possible, wrap materials in plastic bags in order to speed up the collection process.

Governmental assistance for those affected by water infiltration

The government of Quebec is offering financial help for certain people affected by water infiltration following the heavy rain of August 9. It is important to contact your insurance company before applying for this aid. The General Financial Assistance Program Regarding Disasters is designed to provide last resort assistance to property owners and tenants affected by a disaster.

To view eligibility requirements, learn how much you can be compensated, and apply for the program, click here.

The government strongly encourages citizens wishing to apply for financial assistance to do so electronically, to speed up and facilitate the process.

Please note that you are not required to identify yourself as a claimant to the municipality, and that your claim can be forwarded directly to the government. In addition, you do not need to have submitted a claim to the city to apply for this program.

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