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Private events in parks or any other public green spaces
Reservations or renting outdoor public places are forbidden in Beaconsfield (such as weddings, birthdays or other events). (Except for non-profit organisation who received a permit from the City in advance but the space must stay accessible to th......
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Free tree planting on public property
Do you want to contribute even more to increase our resilience to climate change at no cost to you? As part of the annual planting program on public property , the City is offering residents the opportunity to have a tree planted free of char......
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By-laws relating to the public domain
By-law 780 (consolidated version) – Traffic By-law Download By-law BEAC-062 – By-law to ensure peace and order in the public domain by prohibiting fights Download By-law BEAC -095 (consolidated version) – By-law co......
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Public consultation
When the project to build a new chalet at Beacon Hill Park was initiated, the City consulted with the associations that use the chalet and the park to determine their needs for community space. The criteria for the call for tenders were develo......
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Free public transit for seniors
Residents of the agglomeration of Montréal who are 65 and over can get the STM's Free 65+ All Modes A fare now: To register for this program, you must apply in person at : A station agent in a Montréal métro station The STM Fairview Pointe-Cla......
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Private events in parks or any other public green spaces
For information on this subject, visit our Parks and Green Spaces page .
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By-laws relating to Council and internal municipal issues
...remuneration of elected municipal officers Download By-law BEAC-124 – By-law pertaining to the terms of publication of public notices of the City of Beaconsfield Information can be found on publication, posting, transmission by electronic me...
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Every year there are two branch collection periods, one in the spring and another in autumn. The period for spring pick-up starts in April until mid-June. The pick-up in autumn starts in September until the end of October. Branch collection There......
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Sale of immovables for non-payment of taxes
The Cities and Towns Act (R.S.Q., c. C-19) provides that municipalities have the right to sell a property at public auction (house, vacant lot) for unpaid municipal or school taxes, in whole or in part. The following text is published for......
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Construction, renovation and demolition materials (CRD)
What is construction, renovation and demolition waste? Such materials are generated by house or yard renovation and include wood, plaster, tiles and paving stones. Only materials from small-scale renovation work by residents are collected. M......
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BLOCK PARTY GUIDELINES There are two types of Block Parties: On private property, without encroaching on public domain – this type of party does not require a permit. Extends onto public domain such as......
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Other by-laws of general interest
By-law 737 – By-law to regulate and control door to door sales, solicitation and distribution of advertising material Download By-law BEAC-033 (consolidated version) – By-law on nuisance Information can be found about the fines prescribed f......
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What is it? Garbage is non-recyclable waste that cannot be disposed using the recycling services or collections provided by the City. You can put your garbage in a sealed plastic bag inside the garbage bin. For example, garbage includes: scrap and......
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Municipal patrol
Municipal Patrol: 514 428-5999 Patrollers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They patrol Beaconsfield territory, and enforce city by-laws related to: Parking and obstruction of public roads  ......
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Tree planting programs
Free Tree Planting on Public Property Trees contribute to the improvement of the microclimate and air quality, to the reduction of dust, carbon dioxide and urban ......
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Rules and Regulations and By-laws governing Facility use
Music (Live or recorded) must be contained within the building and is not permitted outside. Barbecues are not permitted. It is strictly forbidden to attach anything to the walls ......
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Bulky items
What are bulky items? Bulky items are too big to be placed in a bag, box or garbage bin. In order to reduce the quantity of dry materials sent to landfill, these items are sent to a sorting centre for recycling and reuse. Accepted and refused m......
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Drop-off site and special pickup
Public Works drop-off site The City provides residents with a special waste drop-off site, at the back of the Public Works building. Use is limited to residents, who must present proof of residency (driver’s licence or municipal tax bill). Up to fi......
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It is prohibited to park on any public street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. all year round. A temporary permit may be granted for overnight parking on a public street under certain conditions: renovations, repaving of a driveway, vis......
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Procedure regarding the reception and examination of complaints
As of May 25, 2019, all municipalities must adopt a policy regarding the reception and examination of complaints filed in connection with the awarding of a contract following a request for public tender or the awarding of a contract by mutual agree......
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General information for the arena
Public skating: Hockey and Figure Skating are not permitted during Public Skating periods. Shinny hockey: A CSA approved helmet, full face mask and neck protector are mandatory. Slapshots, checking, coaching and refereeing are n......
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Electronic products
Electronic products should be thought of as a resource for producing other equipment, rather than as garbage. ICT, information and communications technology equipment, is not picked up in normal garbage collections. Various options make it easy to......
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Register for our email list Beaconsfield Updates and receive important notices as well as updates regarding services, programs and events, council meetings and public consultations. Subscribe
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History of Beaconsfield
Beaurepaire The first concession in Beaconsfield obtained from the Sulpicians was that concession granted to Jean Guenet on May 18th, 1678. It was described as being on Lake St. Louis at Pointe Beaurepaire, bordered on......
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Bourse d'étude commémorative
Established in 1996 in memory of Reverend Frank Toope and his wife Jocelyn, these scholarships are designed to highlight the positive role young people play in our community. Nominated by local school boards, candidates must be city residents and g......