Call for tenders
Contract management By-law
In accordance with section 573.3.1.2 of the Cities and Towns Act, every municipality must adopt a by-law on contract management, which applies to all its contracts.
Electronic tendering system (SEAO)
Calls for tenders greater than $100,000 are posted on Quebec government's Système électronique d'appel d'offres (SEAO).
List of contracts over $25,000 awarded by the City of Beaconsfield
List of contracts having an expenditure exceeding $2,000 totalling over $25,000
In accordance with the Law, it is possible to consult the list of all contracts involving an expenditure exceeding $2,000 entered with the City, into in the last full fiscal year preceding that date, with the same contracting party if those contracts involve a total expenditure exceeding $25,000.
Procedure regarding the reception and examination of complaints
As of May 25, 2019, all municipalities must adopt a policy regarding the reception and examination of complaints filed in connection with the awarding of a contract following a request for public tender or the awarding of a contract by mutual agreement with a single supplier.
Only contracts involving an expenditure equal to or greater than the minimum threshold for public tenders are covered by this new right of complaint.
Consult the City of Beaconsfield's procedure*
*(Available in French only) Adopted by Council on May 21, 2019.
Documents for tenderers
You can consult the Code of ethics and professional conduct for the employees of the City of Beaconsfield (By-law BEAC-072) and the City's policies below.
City's lockout policy (French only)
If the chosen supplier prefers to receive payment via direct deposit, they must send an email to, specifying the email address for payment confirmations. Afterwards, an invitation to utilize the ACCEO Transphere platform will be forwarded to the provided email address, facilitating the secure transmission of bank details.
Current tenders
Consult the City’s current tenders
Visit SEAO Système électronique d'appel d'offres website to consult the City of Beaconsfield current tenders.
Note: To search for Beaconsfield notices, you must type the word 'Beaconsfield' in the blue search box on the upper right-hand side