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Tree policy

It is prohibited to fell any tree located on private property within the territory of the Beaconsfield without having first obtained a permit for this purpose. 

A certificate of authorization can be issued in the following circumstances: 

  • the tree is dead or has an irreversible disease; 

  • the tree is dangerous to the health or safety of citizens; 

  • the tree or the roots cause noticeable damage to the property; 

  • the tree impedes new construction or landscaping authorized under the zoning by-law; 

  • the tree impedes the growth of other surrounding trees as part of a grove; 

  • the tree must be felled to allow execution of municipal works. 

In all cases, the applicant must justify the request. If the tree is not more than 10 cm (4 in.) in diameter measured at a height of 1.5 m (5 ft.) from the ground, an authorization is not required. 

The owner, not the City of Beaconsfield, is responsible for collection of the branches and trunk of a felled tree. 

Every tree that is felled must be replaced on the property on the condition that there is sufficient space to plant the tree. 

Every tree located on a private landsite for which a building permit has been issued and the felling of which has not been authorized, must have its trunk protected with boards to a minimum height of 2 metres placed at the location determined as the protection perimeter and left in place for the duration of the work (construction, renovation, landscaping, in-ground pool). 

Download our Tree Policy

Consult list of tree species

Tree maintenance

For City trees 

  • Do not attach bikes or other objects, insert nails and refrain from causing wounds in the bark; 

  • Decorate the base of the trees with landscaping plants to keep the soil humid; 

  • Report to the City of any disease problem, insects, of any danger or safety of the passers-by; 

  • Water newly planted trees in order to maintain their fast growth. 

For private trees 

  • Before planting a tree on a property, we recommend to plant it in the right place by taking into account its maturity, the type of soil and preferably, to choose a rustic specimen, which is easy to adapt to our climate; 

  • For pruning work, check for professionals in the industry or ask your neighbours for a reference; 

  • Maintain the basins around the newly planted trees and water regularly; 

  • Make a regular visual tree inspection in order to detect a problem or disease. 

Pruning Advice 

Trees are pruned to remove dead and unproductive branches, to control diseases and to make trees structurally safe and balanced. The following tips will help you accomplish this objective without causing undue harm to your private tree. 

 If a public tree requires pruning, make a request by calling 514 428-4500.

Know when to prune your tree

The best time to prune depends on the species. Prune maples and birches in June or July, fruit trees in March and other deciduous trees between January and April. Pruning of evergreens is not recommended, however if you must, the least damaging time is from May to June. 

Keep your pruning tools sharp and clean 

  • Cuts should be made next to the branch collar, which is the swollen area where the branch attaches to the trunk, but make sure you do not cut into the collar. Cuts made in this fashion allow the tree to close the wound properly. 

  • Never prune out more than one quarter of the tree crown at a time. If your tree requires a lot of pruning, spread it out over several years. 

Follow these simple steps when pruning trees

  • Prune out all diseased limbs ensuring the cuts are made well inside uninfected areas 

  • Remove all dead and dying limbs 

  • Remove branches that are obstructive or at face level when you are mowing the lawn 

  • Remove the smaller of any branches that cross over and rub one another 

  • Take out branches that disrupt the symmetry or natural shape of the tree crown 

Tree felling

It is forbidden to fell a tree on private property in Beaconsfield without first obtaining a tree felling permit. The reasons for which a tree felling permit may be issued are the following, as set out in the current Zoning By-law 720:

  • The tree is dead or suffering from an incurable disease;
  • The tree is dangerous to the health or safety of citizens;
  • The tree causes damage to property;
  • The tree prevents construction or development authorized in the present by-law. However, in order to maintain the tree, felling will only be authorized if the construction or development cannot be located elsewhere on the property;
  • The tree is a nuisance to the growth and development of neighbouring trees or a grove;
  • The tree must be felled for public works.

A certificate of authorization is not required when the diameter of the tree to be felled is less than fifteen (15) centimetres, measured at 0.15 metres from the ground.

The City of Beaconsfield wishes to curb the loss of its canopy, which is why all felled trees must be replaced. When applying for a certificate of authorization to cut down a tree, a deposit of $500 for the first 5 trees, plus $100 for each additional tree, must be paid to meet the replacement requirement set out in current Zoning By-law 720. This deposit will be reimbursed once the tree has been replaced, in accordance with the conditions set out in the by-law.

Application for a permit to fell an ash tree

Application for a permit to fell a tree that is not an ash tree

Tree planting programs

Free Tree Planting on Public Property 

Trees contribute to the improvement of the microclimate and air quality, to the reduction of dust, carbon dioxide and urban pollution. The tree planting program favours the planting of trees in parks, public grounds and roadsides. 

As part of its annual tree planting program, Beaconsfield offers to its residents the opportunity to request and obtain a tree free of charge, planted fronting their property, on the portion of land belonging to the City. As quantities are limited, we suggest registering your requests for plantation as soon as possible, by calling the Environment Inspector at Public Works at 514 428-4500 or by email at

The City of Beaconsfield offers you the opportunity to choose a tree from a pre-established list. A consultation with the city's inspector will help determine the tree species best suited to your residential environment. Planting the right tree in the right place is essential to ensure its proper development.

Please note that these trees cannot be used as a replacement for a felled tree on private property.

You Want to Plant a Tree on City Property?

Why Do I Need Approval?

Approval is necessary to ensure that trees planted on City property are the right species in the right location and spaced appropriately apart for future maintenance.  

Approval is also required to ensure that the planting location is free of underground utilities and is not in an area designated for future municipal development, i.e. utility installation, road widening, etc.  

For approval, call for an appointment with the environment inspector.

All trees planted by the City on public property will be planted during the fall.

Recipe for Success

  • Trees survive best if planted in early spring or late fall. 

  • Planting instructions and spacing regulations will be provided. 

Remember: All trees planted on City property become the property of the City of Beaconsfield. 

Planting Tips

  • Do not plant your tree too close to a building, driveway or street or under overhead power lines. 

  • Do not plant near underground lines, such as water mains, sewers, power lines or gas lines. 

  • Dig a hole slightly larger and deeper than the root ball. This way you can add some planting soil when you fill in the hole. 

  • Add mulch around the trunk, but do not bury it. You can lay down some sheets of newspaper under the mulch to reduce the growth of weeds. 

  • Water it…but don't drown it! Water it once or twice a week for the first two years. Avoid over-watering. Letting the soil dry out a little between watering encourages root growth. Take special care during very hot days, but be sure to comply with the municipal watering by-law. 

  • Protect the trunk in the winter, at least for the first few years. Rodents love tree bark! 

Subsidy to Plant Trees on Private Property 

The City of Beaconsfield will once again take part in the Ensemble on verdit residential greening campaign. With the expertise of the non-profit organization GRAME, we are making the purchasing and planting process easier than ever by offering a competitively priced turnkey service which includes: 

  • A tree of your choice among the species available 

  • Delivery and planting with mulch and nutrients 

  • Tips for taking care of your tree 

  • A one-year warranty 

More details


By-Law concerning the use of pesticides

The City of Beaconsfield has a by-law regarding the use of pesticides on its territory. Pesticides are harmful products whose use is likely to pose a health risk and lead to contamination of water, air and soil. It is important to take the necessary measures to limit their use. However, when it is essential to use pesticides, it must be done with respect for the health of citizens and the environment. 

In Beaconsfield, it is prohibited to use and apply pesticides outside buildings.  

On the other hand, By-Law BEAC-114 adopted unanimously at the June 2017 Council Meeting provides certain exceptions, such as the use of low-impact pesticides. 

Authorized products 

  • The use of "low impact" or "reduced risk" pesticides, considered less harmful to the environment, is permitted under the By-Law concerning the use of pesticides. The products authorized by the City are: 

  •  Biopesticides, as designated by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) 

  • Mineral oil 

  • Azadirachtin  

  • Active ingredients authorized under schedule II to the Pesticides Management Code (2003, 135 G.O. II 1653) 

These products are not very harmful to the environment and human health when used properly. It is important to follow the application instructions provided on MSDS and product labels. However, it is better to consider other methods of control before starting pesticide treatment (see the section ecological lawn on the website).  

* Neonicotinoids: Note that since June 2017, it is now strictly prohibited to use pesticides from the Neonicotinoid family on the territory of the City of Beaconsfield. These pesticides have been determined to be toxic to insects, including bees. 

Pesticide contractor registration

An annual registration certificate is required for each contractor who applies pesticides within the territory of the City of Beaconsfield. To obtain this certificate, you must complete the required form and provide the following information and documents to our Public Works Department. 

You must fill out a request and provide the following information and documents: 

  •  The surname, given name, address, telephone number and email address of the owner of the company. 

  • A legible photocopy of the Quebec Ministry of the Environment permits held by your company under the Pesticides Act, for each class of pesticide used. 

  • A legible photocopy of the certificates issued to users at your company holding a certificate of competence by the Quebec Ministry of the Environment under the Pesticides Act. 

  • Proof of liability and professional insurance of $2,000,000; 

  • The brans, model, year and copy of the registration certificate of any road vehicle to be used by the pesticide contractor in the territory of the City; 

  • List of all pesticides including synthetic and low impact pesticides that you currently have in stock or plan to use this year. 

  • The payment of $50. Payment methods are cash, check or debit card. 

For a list of contractors registered with the City, please contact the Public Works Department at 514 428-4500 

Please refer to By-Law BEAC-093 concerning the use of pesticides.

If we notice contravention to this by-law, statement of offence will be issued immediately. Any infraction is liable to a maximum fine of $4,000.  

Download the Annual Contractor Registration Form


Temporary pesticide application permit

In the case of major infestation, a temporary permit may be asked to the City. Please call Public Works at 514 428-4500 and an inspector will go onsite to evaluate the situation. The inspector may issue a permit that will be valid for 10 days from the issue date. Major infestations include the presence of insects, mold or other harmful agents, except for weed, that have spread over 50% of a property or more than 5 m2 of a garden's surface. Infestations must be a human safety or health hazard, or pose a threat to the survival of trees and shrubs or animal life. The owner will have to complete the required form and pay the fees mentioned in the Fees Regulations for obtaining the permit. 

A owner who omit to obtain a temporary permit before proceeding with the application of pesticides on his land is liable to a statement of offense. 

Biodiversity and vegetation

Emerald Ash Borer

The emerald ash borer is a small green invasive beetle that has greatly impacted the health of our ash trees. The larvae of the beetle are laid within the tree, and they then eat the tissues, causing defoliation of the canopy. An easy way to tell if your ash tree is being affected is a loss of leaves at the top and loss of bark from woodpecker activity.

Preventative treatment at a preferential price

Treatment benefits:

  • More economical than felling
  • Eco-friendly
  • Maintains the health of your trees against the emerald ash borer
  • Extends the life of your trees


1. Find out more about the treatment process and benefits.

Informational leaflet

2. Apply online before August 15

Treatment authorization form

3. Receive treatment


Many of the ash trees in Beaconsfield have died from the activity of the emerald ash borer, and therefore need to be cut down. If you have a dead ash tree on your property, please apply online to get it felled, or contact the Urban Planning Department for more information at 514 428-4430, ext. 4437.

Make a felling request at no cost


Ragweed pollen causes hay fever and, occasionally, chronic sinusitis or asthma in people allergic to it. By pulling up or cutting the ragweed down to ground level before the end of July, this will help improve the health of over one million Quebecers who are allergic to ragweed pollen.

Every summer, the City of Beaconsfield mows its parks, green spaces and public areas to cut the grass before it flowers. Curbs are also trimmed by hand using edgers.

 Did you know:

  • Ragweed has a firm, hairy stem, sharply cut foliage, flowers in spikes at the tips. Its height varies between 5 cm and 1.5 m. Ragweed should not be confused with poison ivy, which causes itching.
  • The proliferation of ragweed is a direct consequence of climate change. The best way to reduce the effects of ragweed is to eliminate it from your environment by uprooting, mowing or preventing it from growing.
  • Ragweed seeds can remain dormant in the soil for up to 40 years. When you pull it out, ragweed must be replaced by a competitive ground cover to prevent the seeds from germinating.
  • Seasonal rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is an allergic reaction caused mainly by exposure to ragweed pollen.

More information

Angell Woods

Angell Woods is one of the most important wooded areas on the island of Montreal. It also includes one of the island's most extensive wetlands. The threatened or endangered Angel Woods 3species to be found there include the maple-hickory and red ash. This rich natural environment is, for the most part, privately owned.

Learn more

Green Patrol

Founded by the Conseil régional de l’environment of Montreal, the project consists of patrollers who raise awareness on issues concerning the environment in and around the city. The patrollers are full time Cegep or University students who are hired by a local ‘Eco-Quartier’ or local organization, during the summer.

The Green Patrol’s objective was to inform and sensitize citizens about better environmental practices and habits, especially involving the management of hazardous waste, climate change, and ecological gardening by way of different activities (door-to-door, kiosks, day camps and other events).

Leaf mulching

Leaf mulching involves shredding leaves with a lawnmower and using them as mulch on your gardens and lawn. Mulching leaves directly back into the turf has proven to be a cost and time effective means of leaf disposal and does not negatively impact turf performance.

View the video produced by the Beaconsfield Environmental Advisory Committee to learn more.

Seasonal lawn tips


  • Avoid working on a wet lawn.
  • Spread lime on the lawn.
  • Sharpen the lawnmower blade each spring.
  • Raise the lawnmower blade to at least 7.5 cm (three inches).
  • Rake in the late spring to remove debris and brown patches.
  • Remove weeds by hand
  • Aerate the lawn.


  • Deep infrequent watering promotes deep strong roots. Watering too often may cause disease by starving the soil of oxygen.
  • Grass naturally protects itself from periods of drought by becoming dormant, and can survive several weeks in this state. It will simply regain its normal colour once the humid weather returns.
  • Some experts say lawns don’t need watering at all in our region. If you feel you must water your lawn, please water deeply and infrequently.
  • During a dry period, avoid fertilizing and mowing your lawn.


  • Aerate the lawn.
  • Overseed the lawn with a mix that is high in bluegrass and fescue grass seed. Apply 10 pounds per thousand square foot (4.5 kg per 92.9 sq-m) and spread as evenly as possible. Lightly rake the lawn to help the seeds settle down.
  • Top dressing: In early fall, top dress the lawn with a thin layer of compost or good garden soil, and add grass seed to take care of any thinned-out areas.
  • Fertilizing: Clippings left on the lawn are rich in nitrogen and provide easy and free fertilization. Fertilizing in early fall promotes vigorous lawn growth the next spring. Use the fallen autumn leaves as natural fertilizer for next year’s garden.