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Please find below a few of our municipal by-laws. Please note that the text of each of the by-laws on this website is presented for information purposes only and has no official value. No guarantee is offered as to the accuracy or the reliability of the reproduced documents. Some typographical errors may have been left intact in order to preserve the integrity of the adopted text. In the case of a discrepancy between the by-law text on this site and that held by the City’s registry, the latter shall prevail.

If you wish to obtain an official version of a by-law and its amendments or an official version of a by-law not listed below, please contact our Registry office at 514 428-4400 and we will be glad to assist you.

Consult the by-laws being considered by Council

By-laws relating to Council and internal municipal issues

By-law BEAC-001 – By-law on the rules of conduct and on the regular meetings of the municipal council

Information can be found about agendas, quorum, conflict of interest, motions, votes, questions of privilege, question period.


By-law BEAC-071 – By-law concerning the delimitation of electoral districts

Information can be found on the 6 electoral districts, including the number of electors and the boundaries of each district. 


By-law BEAC-072 (consolidated version) –  Code of ethics and professional conduct for the employees of the City of Beaconsfield

Information can be found on values of the municipality, on rules of conduct, on conflicts of interest, on use of municipal resources, on use of communication of confidential information and on disciplinary measures. 


By-law BEAC-082 (consolidated version) – By-law on the delegation of powers to officers and employees of the City of Beaconsfield

Information can be found on the power to hire or appoint, terminate employment and take disciplinary action, on expenditure authorization, payments and awarding of contracts.


By-law BEAC-121 (consolidated version) – By-law respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers


By-law BEAC-124 – By-law pertaining to the terms of publication of public notices of the City of Beaconsfield

Information can be found on publication, posting, transmission by electronic means and duration of publication of public notices.


By-law BEAC-130 – By-law regarding the delegation of functions provided under the act respecting the autorité des marchés publics


By-law BEAC-144 –Code of ethics and good conduct for elected muniicpal officers of the City of Beaconsfield


By-laws relating to the public domain

By-law 780 (consolidated version)  Traffic By-law


By-law BEAC-062 – By-law to ensure peace and order in the public domain by prohibiting fights


By-law BEAC-095 (consolidated version) – By-law concerning electronic cigarettes


By-law BEAC-109 (consolidated version) – By-law regarding outdoor events in outdoor public spaces in the City of Beaconsfield


By-law BEAC-120 – By-law regarding work and landscaping in the municipal right-of-way

Information can be found on the type of landscaping work authorized, maintenance, conditions on issuing a certificate of authorization, damages to municipal infrastructure, prohibitions and fines.


By-laws relating to watering, snow removal and landscaping

By-law BEAC-035 (consolidated version) – By-law on snow removal

Information can be found about a contractor’s obligations before snow removal, including required permits, posts and stickers. Information can also be found about a contractor’s obligations during snow removal including where snow can be blown or lifted and accumulation of snow. 


By-law BEAC-070 (consolidated version) – On the use of drinking water

Information can be found about the water distribution system, access to property, turning off of the water supply, water pressure and water flow, air conditioning, fire hydrants, service connections, supply pipes, tank filling, watering times, watering systems, landscaping, surface drainage, fountains and watering bans, amongst others.


By-law BEAC-093 (consolidated version) – By-law pertaining to landscaping contractors


By-laws, policies relating to the environment and sanitation

By-law BEAC-005 – By-law concerning the sanitation and maintenance of dwelling units

Information can be found about evacuation, uncleanliness, deterioration, storage of noxious products, obstacles, obstruction, accumulation of debris, presence of vermin or insects, maintenance, weatherproofing, amongst others.


By-law BEAC-052 – By-law amending the master plan in order to integrate planning guidelines to the Angell Woods area’s detailed planning section


By-law BEAC-102 (consolidated version) – By-law regulating the management of waste materials


By-law BEAC-114 (consolidated version) – By-law concerning the use of pesticides


By-law BEAC-129 - By-law prohibiting the distribution of certain plastic shopping bags in retail stores


Tree policy

Information can be found on maintaining and improving the City’s rural character, species of trees and locations, planting and maintenance, pruning and training of trees, cyclical pruning, felling of trees, inspection of tree condition, preservation of outstanding trees, preservation of public trees and planning zones of natural vegetation.


Financial By-laws

By-law 640 (consolidated version) – By-law providing for the supply of water and the levying of a water tax

Information can be found about water rate, consumer responsibilities, accuracy verification, repair, replacement of defective meters. 


By-law BEAC-026 (consolidated version) – By-law amending By-law BEAC-026 to increase the working fund

This by-law regulates the working fund, which allows a municipality to borrow the necessary liquidity to assume its obligations, its amount cannot exceed 20% of the forecasted credits under the current year’s municipal budget.


By-law BEAC-029 - By-law regarding budget control and monitoring

Information can be found on the responsibilities and operation rules required to ensure that any expense made or incurred by a municipal officer or City employee is duly authorized.


By-law BEAC-082 - By-law on the delegation of powers to officers and employees of the City of Beaconsfield

Information can be found on the powers that have been delegated by Council to officers and employees such as Human Resources,  expenditure authorization and awarding of contracts and payment and specific expenditures authorization


By-law BEAC-117 (consolidated version) concerning the rate of transfer duties applicable to transfers with a basis of imposition exceeding $589,200


By-law BEAC-151 – By-law concerning contract management

This by-law’s purpose is to establish rules pertaining to contract management in accordance with the provisions of the Cities and Towns Act in order to promote transparency, fairness, integrity and sound contract management, in the best interests of the community. This by-law also promotes competition with a view to obtaining the best possible prices, while specifically taking into consideration the quality of goods and services offered, delivery deadlines and supplier reliability.


By-law BEAC-154 – By-law concerning the establishment of a fund dedicated to expenses related to holding an election 


By-law BEAC-155 – By-law on tariffs – January 2024

This By-law regulates the following aspect: tariffs in Beaconsfield. Information can be found on tariff’s for building permits, certificates of authorization, amendment’s to zoning by-law, minor exemptions, building occupancy, SPAIP presentations, certificates of occupancy, subdivision permits, towing, animal registration, rescue squad, municipal patrol, document copies, commissioner of oath signatures, parking stickers, administrative services, public works services and equipment and vehicle rates, branch pick-up, use of public right-of-way, water meters, culture and leisure rates, activities and services, amongst others.


By-law BEAC-156 – By-law concerning taxes of the City of Beaconsfied for the fiscal year 2024


Other by-laws of general interest

By-law 737 – By-law to regulate and control door to door sales, solicitation and distribution of advertising material


By-law BEAC-033 (consolidated version) – By-law on nuisance

Information can be found about the fines prescribed for an offence committed when smoking in a prohibited area on public property, noise, cleanliness of property, public peace and safety, including information on drunk and disorderly conduct, loitering, trespassing, weapons, glass containers, indecent or sexual acts, alcohol on public property, fireworks, disturbing the peace, fireplaces, opening hours of public properties (parks), hours of presence authorized in parks and their limits, times at which motor machines or mechanisms can be used, times and months of the year at which certain devices for lawn maintenance can be used, including leaf blowers, times at which construction can be done, excavation, vehicle parking and vehicle storage, dumping, damaging public and private trees, soiling, prohibited animals, snowmobiles, basketball nets, property markers, immobilized vehicles, smog, amongst others.  


By-law BEAC-068 (consolidated version) – By-law concerning fire safety


By-law BEAC-094 – By-law concerning pawnshops and establishments dealing in second-hand goods


By-law BEAC-099 (consolidated version) – Animal welfare by-law


Municipal by-laws

Frequently asked questions concerning by-laws

The City has many by-laws and it can sometimes be difficult to find the exact information you're looking for. Here, you'll find the most frequently asked about by-laws, along with a short explanation of their key points.

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