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Analysis of Citizens’ Needs and Expectations in Terms of Culture, Sports Activities, Community Life, Leisure Activities and Healthy Living

In the late summer of 2023, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton was commissioned to conduct a study of Beaconsfield's cultural and recreational needs. The objectives of the study were to :

  • Draw up a detailed portrait of Beaconsfield's current population, examining its characteristics and leisure habits;
  • Define typical profiles representative of the diversity of the city's residents, as well as their leisure practices and habits;
  • Identify the population's needs in terms of sports, recreation, culture, community life and healthy lifestyle, based on the different profiles;
  • Draw up a portrait of the current leisure offer;
  • Propose strategic orientations for the development of leisure activities over the next 10 years.

Nearly 1,250 people responded to the survey, while 45 participants took part in the focus groups. 

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Parks and Green Spaces Master Plan

In December 2016, the City of Beaconsfield mandated Groupe BC2 to draft a Parks Master Plan for the entire municipality. The last master plan dates back to 1989, and it had therefore become crucial to develop an up-to-date plan. The Parks Master Plan is intended to be used as a decision-making tool in order to help set priorities for investments in city parks over the next 5 to 10 years.

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Culture and Leisure Study (2015)

The City of Beaconsfield has put in place a continuous improvement process for the services it provides to its population. A series of measures and means are implemented to ensure quality services for its residents. 

The municipal administration, through its Culture and Leisure Department, was keen to learn more about the population's appreciation of the services it offers, and to identify the community's future needs in terms of culture and leisure programming.

Download the report on the study (French only)

Report on Land Use Planning and Evolving Housing Needs

This approach was the result of an exercise in consultation and reflection in 2016 which allowed to review the key priorities of land use planning in order to respond to community needs and to ensure the efficient and harmonious development of the living environment in Beaconsfield for the long term. The Committee’s recommendations also considered issues related to density and socio-demographic trends as well as the requirements arising from the Development Plan of the Montréal Agglomeration. The following guidelines were targeted:

  • A city of human scale (height, density, services) based on the concepts of walkability
  • A city favouring public access to its rivers and water ways
  • A city that preserves its existing natural environments
  • A city that focuses on the diversity of mixed uses
  • A city that takes social equity into account
  • A city that strives to maintain its character

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan 2021-2025

The City adopted the Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Reduction Plan in the Spring of 2021. The Climate Action Plan, a synthesis of these two plans, presents the principal sources of GHG and the local vulnerabilities, and identifies specific projects to reduce GHG and limit climate risk. The actions undertaken will serve to make our community more resilient to climate and environmental change.  

This plan focuses on how we can reduce our emissions that cause climate change.

Download the plan (French only)

Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2021-2025

The City adopted the Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Reduction Plan in the Spring of 2021. The Climate Action Plan, a synthesis of these two plans, presents the principal sources of GHG and the local vulnerabilities, and identifies specific projects to reduce GHG and limit climate risk. The actions undertaken will serve to make our community more resilient to climate and environmental change. 

This plan focuses on how we can adapt to climate change caused by GHG emissions.

Download the plan (French only)